Dan's Resume


I first became familiar with computers over 25 year ago as a journalism student at Winona State University in southeastern Minnesota. Many of the newspapers I later worked at used MacIntosh computers and I became quite adept at using its graphical user interface (sometimes to the astonishment to the salesman at the local "Computerland"). I retired from journalism in 1995 after returning from Australia where I was working freelance.

My introduction to the PC came 10 years ago as Production Assistant at KAAL-TV in Austin, MN were I was responsible for creating and displaying overlays for the station's hour-long morning news broadcast and subsquent news and weather cut-ins. We used the Typedeko character generator for graphics. I became intrigued by the uses of Photoshop 6 then progressively learned other programs such as MS Word, Excel, Corel Draw, PeopleSoft and Freehand.

I am currently attending Mission College in Santa Clara, CA in pursuit of a bachelors' degree in Graphic Arts and have completed or are attending the following courses:

  • Basic Design:2-Dimensional
  • Introduction Digital Arts
  • Introduction to Computer Graphic Design.
  • Web Page Design With Xhtml
  • Exploring Careers in Graphic Arts
  • Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
  • Advanced Adobe Photoshop
  • Introduction to Adobe InDesign
  • Introduction to Computer Animation using Maya
  • The History of Modern Design



    Reporter/Photographer (1985-1995)

    Kingman Daily Miner, 3015 Stockton Hill Rd, Kingman, AZ 86401

    Expanded coverage and popularity of local sports page through public relations techniques and by encompassing wider selection of topics to include historical perspective of events. Responsible for story ideas, writing, photography and editing for sports section of daily newspaper with circulation of 9,000.
    Plainview News, 409 W. Broadway, Plainview, MN 55964

    In charge of story ideas, articles and photography for weekly newspaper with circulation of 2,257.
    Silverthorne Sun and Summit Sentinel, 40 W. Main St., Frisco, CO 80443

    Writer and photographer for defunct semi-weekly and its parent publication, the Summit Sentinel, which has since been acquired by Swift Communications and merged with the Breckenridge Journal.
    Fillmore County Journal, 136 St. Anthony St., P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN, 55965

    Created the original masthead design and layout for a weekly newspaper which is now in its 25th year of publication and has grown to a circulation of over 10,700.

    Public Relations/Sales/Marketing

    Promotions Manager & Independent Contractor

    MIT Advertising/B.C. Promotions – Phoenix & Kansas City, KS

    Supervised offices of 10-25 people in the sale of promotional packages for restaurants, golf courses and other forms of entertainment to the customer market. Office generated $1.5 million worth of revenue annually.
    Increased clientele and staff of Firestone Car Care Centers (Mesa, AZ), Foothills Golf Course (Chandler, AZ), Pizza Hut Restaurants (Scottsdale, AZ), Yia Yia’s Restaurant and Godfather’s Pizza (Wichita, KS) by up to 10 percent with various promotions.


    • Mission College, Santa Clara, CA, Graphic Arts student. 2009-present.
    • Winona State University, Winona, MN, B.A. degree in Mass Communications (Photojournalism emphasis) 1985.
    • Austin Community College (now Riverland Community College), Austin, MN, A.A. degree in Liberal Arts 1981.


    Below is a link to a web site I created honoring the memories of the stars of television, movies, music and sports that saw me through my childhood in the 1960's and '70's. Enjoy!!

    Go to "TV Icons" Web Site

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